Vol. 25 Valentine


A machine endowed with life, pulsating flesh, with multiple and marvellous powers, the body precedes us, accompanies us, exposes us. Armour or bark, the epidermis is the gateway to our heart note: red, moist, shivering or burning, each variation visible... at the tip of our fingers. The body is texture and flavour, crossed and inhabited by our unspeakable pains as well as our most intense joys. Source of all pleasures, adorned with ropes, ink, metal, fabrics or fluids, it screams, languishes, rears its head and spins, a flag stretched towards the sky or a root deeply rooted in the earth. Its price is unquantifiable, its value inestimable. Under the muscles, the flesh and the blood, there is our essence, our being. Our humanity, laid bare.